Torben Tranæs is Research Professor and Executive Director of Research at the Danish Centre for Social Science Research - VIVE (former SFI) in Copenhagen. Torben Tranæs has studied economics at the University of Copenhagen, London School of Economics, Tel Aviv University, and Northwestern University. Having received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Copenhagen in 1994 he was Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School and University of Copenhagen, professor at SFI and Research Director at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, Copenhagen.

He is currently Co-chairman of the board of the Danish Economic Councils (, and Co-editor of Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift (journal of the Danish Economics Association).

Torben Tranæs’ research interests cover Migration and Integration of Immigrants, Unemployment Insurance, Labor Market Policy and Education, Workfare, Crime and the Labor Market, Tax Structure and Labor Market Performance, and Equality of Opportunities.

He has published in a number of top field journals like Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, and Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, as well as in high ranked general interest journals like International Economic Review, European Economic Review and Scandinavian Journal of Economics. He has also contributed and/or served as the editor to a large number of collective scientific books.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in September 2003.