Yu Aoki

Research Fellow

University of Aberdeen

Yu Aoki received an MSc in Economics in 2007 and a PhD in Economics in 2012 at the University of Warwick. Yu joined the University of Aberdeen as an Assistant Professor in 2012.

Yu is an applied micro-econometrician working in the fields of labour and health. She is currently doing research on the social integration of immigrants in the UK, focusing on one of the possible key factors for integration: Language skills. In particular, she uses a natural experiment to identify the causal impact of English proficiency on various immigrant outcomes including education, health, and residential segregation outcomes. She also does research in the field of Economics of Crime.

She joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in February 2012 and became a Research Fellow in July 2017.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 12781
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7990
published in: Oxford Economic Papers, 2017, 69 (1), 97 - 117