Data Resources on the COVID-19 Pandemic
last update 1 year ago
Johns Hopkins University
Public Health and MedicineThe data repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Visual Dashboard operated by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE).
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Why is this resource interesting?The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 data "links data from the Robert Koch Institute, the World Health Organization, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Furthermore, official statistics from the Robert Koch Institute are downward biased on weekends, as some local administrations only report their case numbers on workdays. The data then enter the official statistics on Monday and Tuesday, yielding an upward bias of the statistics on new infections. We find that the data from the Johns Hopkins University (2020) are more robust to these biases." (Hartl, et al. 2020),
Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 22-
A Literature Review of the Economics of COVID-19
Black Lives Matter Protests, Social Distancing, and COVID-19
COVID-19 and the Forces behind Social Unrest
COVID-19, Race, and Redlining
Deregulation in a Time of Pandemic: Does Pollution Increase Coronavirus Cases or Deaths?
Explaining Governors' Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
Failing to Pull Together: South Africa's Troubled Response to COVID-19
Home Ownership and Home Equity Promote Entrepreneurial Activity
Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China
Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? County-Level Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
Lockdown Strategies, Mobility Patterns and COVID-19
Occupational Exposure to Contagion and the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe
On the Effects of COVID-19 Safer-At-Home Policies on Social Distancing, Car Crashes and Pollution
Projecting the Spread of COVID-19 for Germany
Public Attention and Policy Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic
Reacting Quickly and Protecting Jobs: The Short-Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Greek Labor Market
Role of Professionalism in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does a Public Health or Medical Background Help?
School Closures and Effective In-Person Learning during COVID-19: When, Where, and for Whom
Should Contact Bans Be Lifted in Germany? A Quantitative Prediction of Its Effects
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
The Political Scar of Epidemics
What COVID-19 May Leave Behind: Technology-Related Job Postings in Canada
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The downloadable data file is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on COVID-19. Each row/entry contains the number of new cases reported per day and per country. You may use the data in line with ECDC’s copyright policy.
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Why is this resource interesting?ECDC data provide the total number of diagnosed COVID.19 infections, the number of deceased patience and the growth rate of COVID-19 around the globe. ECDC examines reports from health authorities worldwide in a systematic way in order to produce the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths every day.
Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 10-
Are COVID Fatalities in the US Higher Than in the EU, and If So, Why?
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Poverty and COVID-19 in Developing Countries
Compliance with COVID-19 Social-Distancing Measures in Italy: The Role of Expectations and Duration
Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Do Non-Pharmaceutical-Interventions Work (at Least) in the Short Run?
How Do We Think the COVID-19 Crisis Will Affect Our Careers (If Any Remain)?
Intergenerational Residence Patterns and COVID-19 Fatalities in the EU and the US
Intergenerational Ties and Case Fatality Rates: A Cross-Country Analysis
Lockdown Strategies, Mobility Patterns and COVID-19
The Political Scar of Epidemics
Trust and Compliance to Public Health Policies in Times of COVID-19
WageIndicator Survey of Living and Working in Coronavirus Times
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The WageIndicator Foundation has launched a continuous global online survey ‘Living and Working in Corona Times’. The purpose of the survey is to discover what makes the Coronavirus lockdown easier (or tougher) for citizens across 110 countries, and to gauge the effect of COVID-19 on jobs, lives and states of mind.
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Why is this resource interesting?WageIndicator shows coronavirus-induced changes in living and working conditions in 110 countries. The survey reveals, from day to day, the consequences the large majority of the working population of the world experiences on the basis of answers on the following questions in the Corona survey:
- Is your work affected by the corona crisis?
- Are precautionary measures taken at the workplace?
- Do you have to work from home?
- Has your workload increased/decreased?
- Have you lost your job/work/assignments?
Google's COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Google COVID-19 community mobility reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19.
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Why is this resource interesting?"The Google COVID-19 mobility reports aggregate anonymized sets of data from users’ mobile device location history. The mobility index measures how visits to, or length of stay at, different types of location change over time compared to a baseline period corresponding to January 3 - February 6, 2020. There are six location categories: (i) retail and recreation, (ii) grocery and pharmacy, (iii) parks (public gardens, dog parks, beaches, etc.), (iv) transit stations (public transport hubs such as subway, bus, train stations), (v) workplaces and (vi) residential areas.
Human mobility is tracked by Google daily and in a consistent manner across 131 countries. For a subset of countries, the information is provided at sub-national level." (IZA DP 13205)
Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 29-
A Year of Pandemic: Levels, Changes and Validity of Well-Being Data from Twitter. Evidence from Ten Countries
An Economic Model of the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Importance of Testing and Age-Specific Policies
Are Happier People More Compliant? Global Evidence From Three Large-Scale Surveys During Covid-19 Lockdowns
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Poverty and COVID-19 in Developing Countries
Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Do Non-Pharmaceutical-Interventions Work (at Least) in the Short Run?
COVID-19 Mobility Policies Impacts: How Credible Are Difference-in-Differences Estimates?
Determinants of the Community Mobility during the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Government Regulations and Information
Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Improve Global Air Quality? New Cross-National Evidence on Its Unintended Consequences
Dynamics of Social Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
Failing to Pull Together: South Africa's Troubled Response to COVID-19
Fiscal Multipliers in the COVID-19 Recession
Gimme Shelter. Social Distancing and Income Support in Times of Pandemic
Job Search during the COVID-19 Crisis
Lockdown Strategies, Mobility Patterns and COVID-19
More than Words: Leaders' Speech and Risky Behavior During a Pandemic
Neo-Humanism and COVID-19: Opportunities for a Socially and Environmentally Sustainable World
On the Effects of COVID-19 Safer-At-Home Policies on Social Distancing, Car Crashes and Pollution
Reacting Quickly and Protecting Jobs: The Short-Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Greek Labor Market
School Re-Openings after Summer Breaks in Germany Did Not Increase SARS-CoV-2 Cases
Schools under Mandatory Testing Can Mitigate the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
Societal Movement Restrictions and Adverse Mental Health Outcomes
Stay-At-Home Orders, Social Distancing and Trust
The Beneficial Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Air Pollution: Evidence from Vietnam
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
Timing is Everything when Fighting a Pandemic: COVID-19 Mortality in Spain
Trust and Compliance to Public Health Policies in Times of COVID-19
Trust Predicts Compliance with COVID-19 Containment Policies: Evidence from Ten Countries Using Big Data
Urban Density and COVID-19
Weather, Psychological Wellbeing and Mobility during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government systematically collects information on policy stringency taken by governments to tackle the pandemic since February 2020. OxCGRT collects information on government policy responses across eight dimensions, namely: (i) school closures; (ii) workplace closures; (iii) public event cancellations; (iv) gathering restrictions; (v) public transportation closures; (vi) stay-at-home orders; (vii) restrictions on internal movement; and (viii) international travel bans. These dimensions are then used to calculate response indexes to COVID-19. Each index is rescaled to get a score between 0 and 100 (100 representing the highest degree of strictness/restriction).
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Why is this resource interesting?"This tracker implemented by the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government systematically collects information on the measures taken by governments to tackle the pandemic since February 2020 . OxCGRT is based on publicly avail-able information on 13 indicators of government response (policies such as school closures, ban son public gatherings or travel, etc., and financial indicators such as fiscal or monetary measures). Each indicator is re-scaled to get a score between 0 and 100 (100 representing the highest degree of strictness/restriction)." (IZA DP 13205)
Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 24-
A Year of Pandemic: Levels, Changes and Validity of Well-Being Data from Twitter. Evidence from Ten Countries
Are Happier People More Compliant? Global Evidence From Three Large-Scale Surveys During Covid-19 Lockdowns
Coronavirus and Social Distancing: Do Non-Pharmaceutical-Interventions Work (at Least) in the Short Run?
COVID-19 Severity: A New Approach to Quantifying Global Cases and Deaths
Determinants of the Community Mobility during the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Government Regulations and Information
Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Improve Global Air Quality? New Cross-National Evidence on Its Unintended Consequences
Exponential Growth Bias in the Prediction of COVID-19 Spread and Economic Expectation
Failing to Pull Together: South Africa's Troubled Response to COVID-19
Gimme Shelter. Social Distancing and Income Support in Times of Pandemic
Hiding the Elephant: The Tragedy of COVID Policy and Its Economist Apologists
Interventions with Positive Side-Effects: COVID-19 Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions and Infectious Diseases in Europe
Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectations
Lockdown Strategies, Mobility Patterns and COVID-19
Neo-Humanism and COVID-19: Opportunities for a Socially and Environmentally Sustainable World
Occupational Exposure to Contagion and the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe
Public Attention and Policy Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic
Reacting Quickly and Protecting Jobs: The Short-Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown on the Greek Labor Market
The Beneficial Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Air Pollution: Evidence from Vietnam
The Labour Market Impact of COVID-19: Early Evidence for a Sample of Enterprises from Southern Europe
The Political Scar of Epidemics
Trust and Compliance to Public Health Policies in Times of COVID-19
Trust Predicts Compliance with COVID-19 Containment Policies: Evidence from Ten Countries Using Big Data
Unequal Consequences of COVID-19 across Age and Income: Representative Evidence from Six Countries
What COVID-19 May Leave Behind: Technology-Related Job Postings in Canada
A number of national and international research projects are currently underway that empirically
record the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The collection is wide and ranges
from snapshots of surveys with self-selected samples, representative surveys, longitudinal studies,
experiments, etc..
IZA’s Research Data Center (IDSC) collects and curates the information on such new initiatives.
Projects with high research output based on number of IZA Discussion Papers or otherwise are
promoted especially as “featured resources” on the top of our website.
Please contact the IDSC of IZA for any suggestions of further content at
2020 HRS COVID-19 Project (Early V1.0)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19HRS added COVID-19-related questions to the 2020 core interview and to the psychosocial self-administered questionnaire (pages 36-43), and a special midterm data release is now available. In addition, a new Contextual Data Resource on state-level COVID-19 policies has been added as part of the HRS restricted data products. A supplementary 2021 COVID-19 Mailout Survey is currently in the field through August 2021.
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A County-Level Dataset for Informing the United States' Response to COVID-19
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19In addition to the JHU CSSE COVID-19 Dashboard, the dataset contains more than 300 variables that summarize population estimates, demographics, ethnicity, housing, education, employment and income, climate, transit scores, and healthcare system-related metrics on the county-level. The data contains demographic, socioeconomic, health care, education and transit data for each county in the 50 states and Washington DC. Also, county-level timeseries of cumulative COVID-19 infections, and deaths are included. A timeseries of projected requirements and deficits for hospital beds, ICUs, ventilators, across all US states from 1st March 2020 till 4th August 2020. Furthermore, data contains the dates that counties (or states governing them) took measures to mitigate the spread by restricting gatherings, etc.
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A Tracker of Trackers: COVID-19 Policy Responses and Data
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19A massive collection of COVID-19 policy trackers and data. It covers cross-country research in the areas of non-pharmaceutical interventions, economic and social policy responses, public attitudes, politics and media coverage.
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ABCD COVID-19 Impact Measure
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The COVID-19 Impact Measure was created to be administered to the participants of the NIH-sponsored Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) longitudinal study of 11,880 diverse community youth enrolled at age 9-10 in 2016-2018 (i.e., birth years 2006-2009) at 21 research sites around the United States.
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The ABCD sample was targeted to match U.S. demographics as defined by the American Community Survey (ACS) and is being followed until at least age 20. ABCD will send all currently enrolled participants (age range: 11-13) and their parent/guardian the opportunity to complete the ABCD COVID-19 questionnaires. ABCD's COVID-19 research sends the measure multiple times over several months in 2020.
ACAPS Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 Dataset
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The dataset will track secondary impacts across a wide range of relevant themes: economy, health, migration, education to name a few. A set of around 80 impact indicators anticipated to be impacted by COVID-19 have been identified and organized across 4 pillars and 13 thematic blocks. Additionally, a set of around 25 pre-COVID-19 baseline indicators have been selected for each pillar.
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The data collection is conducted on a country-level and identifies the secondary impacts the COVID- 19 pandemic is having in more than 190 countries. Data comes from a range of available sources, including international organizations, research centers, and media analysis.
Access World News Research Collection
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Access World News Research Collection delivers information for academic research and coursework across the curriculum including history, English/language arts, health, DEI and more.
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ActiveConclusion COVID-19 Mobility Data Aggregator
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Scraper of Google, Apple and Waze COVID-19 Mobility Reports
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AID:A Corona Add-on
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19For AID:A Growing up in Germany: Corona Add-on Everyday Worlds are available as a basis for the empirical analyzes with data on current living conditions, as well as their circumstances during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
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As part of the study, from August to November 2020, a total of 867 people between the ages of 12 and 32 who had already participated in the main survey in 2019 were surveyed using a short interim survey in the form of an add-on on the corona pandemic and its consequences. The content of the short questionnaire was the life situation during the corona pandemic. With the two surveys in 2019 and 2020, the survey offers the opportunity to analyze changes in living situation for at least some young people before and during the corona pandemic.
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Airport association ADV (Association of German Commercial Airports)
Economic DevelopmentMonthly and weekly volume of traffic development of passengers and from German commercial airports by Airport association ADV (Association of German commercial airports, in German)
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American Life Panel Survey on Impacts of COVID-19
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19A survey fielded through the RAND American Life Panel (ALP) to assess the effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on individuals and households across a variety of topics. Three times per year, all panel members are asked to complete a survey that contains demographic information and questions about their employment status, household composition, health status, well-being, and health insurance.
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Apple and Google Partner on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technology
Technological DevelopmentApple and Google will be launching a comprehensive solution that includes application programming interfaces (APIs) and operating system-level technology to assist in enabling contact tracing.
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Apple Mobility Reports
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Changes in requests for directions by transportation type for all available countries/regions and cities. Reports are published daily and reflect requests for directions in Apple Maps.
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Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Infratest dimap’s ARD-DeutschlandTREND is a survey commissioned by ARD’s “Tagesthemen” and a number of daily newspapers. It periodically polls current attitudes and political opinion in Germany. The DeutschlandTREND is based on representative telephone interviews (CATI) with around 1,000 eligible voters in. In response to significant political and social events, “DeutschlandTREND extra” surveys are additionally conducted outside of the regular cycle especially since March 2020 on COVID-19.
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Austrian COVID-19 Open Data Information Hub
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Dashboard, statistics and afficial data from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, with applications, visualizations, and further European and international resources and initiatives on trustworthy open data on COVID-19 (in German).
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Baidu Maps
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Daily population flow data from Baidu that proxies for the total intensity of migration from and into other cities in China. Originally developed to track population movements out of Wuhan and the early spread of the coronavirus helping epidemiologists build an approximate picture of people’s migration with some carrying coronavirus. (service no longer active, in Chinese).
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Show Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 5-
Act Early to Prevent Infections and Save Lives: Causal Impact of Diagnostic Efficiency on the COVID-19 Pandemic
Impacts of Social and Economic Factors on the Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China
Key Links in Network Interactions: Assessing Route-Specific Travel Restrictions in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Optimal Travel Restrictions in Epidemics
Role of Professionalism in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does a Public Health or Medical Background Help?
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The BfR Corona-Monitor is a recurring representative survey of the German population's perception of risks from the new type of coronavirus. Since 24 March 2020, randomly selected people have been asked by telephone every Tuesday about their perception of the risk of infection and the protective measures they have taken.
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Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The survey collected a sample of approximately 1,500 UK respondents in Prolific, an online platform collection that connects researchers with participants, who get paid cash for taking part in research. The sample is representative of the UK population with regards age, sex and ethnicity and should be available in August 2020.
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The survey was launched June 2020 and announced with the title “BIDCOFU Survey” with the following brief summary: This study is conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter. Participants will be asked to answer a set of questions on demographic patterns. This includes questions that may be sensitive, including but not limited to questions related to COVID-19, mental health and well-being, physical health and health-related behaviors, concerns and perceptions about COVID-19, its prevalence and lethality, expectations on COVID-19 and unemployment, employment and job characteristics, non-labor market time and changes, behaviors when going out, views on the effectiveness of masks.
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BRAC Rapid Perception Survey on COVID-19 Awareness and Economic Impact
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19BRAC staff collected data from 2,317 households of different socioeconomic backgrounds through both phone interviews (79%) and face to face (21%) interviews using a structured questionnaire. Given the lockdown situation, the survey could not strictly maintain a representative sampling procedure. However, the findings do reflect a country-wide general picture of the people’s awareness of COVID-19 and the economic hardship induced by the lockdown declared to minimise the health risk of the Pandemic.
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Bruegel Datasets: Fiscal Response to the Economic Fallout from the Coronavirus
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19In this dataset the discretionary fiscal responses of EU countries, the United Kingdom and the United States are summarised and compared. Only adopted discretionary fiscal measures are considered.
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Burbio's K-12 School Opening Tracker
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Burbio publishes a weekly School Opening Tracker for almost all U.S. counties based on information from 1,200 public school districts representing 47% of U.S. K-12 student enrollment in over 35,000 schools. The tracker starts in August 2020 and reports the share of public school students engaged in either “Traditional”, “Hybrid”, or “Virtual” learning mode in a county, where Hybrid means that students attend school 2-3 days per week in-person.
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California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) DataMart
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Administrative college-level panel data covering the universe of students and courses from the California Community College System.
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Cambridge Core Blog: Country Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Members of the European Health Policy Group and the Anglo-American Health Policy Network, were invited to write 1,200 words on the response of their region or country thus far to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The authors were asked to write their reports on their country/region’s response to the pandemic up to the beginning of April, offering an indication of the justification given for the response (e.g. was it expert-informed, was the response immediate or delayed, was it informed by the experiences of other countries etc.?). In the final third of their reports, the authors were asked to offer a reflection on the response thus far. They were asked to consider what they think has been done well, and what could have been done better.
At the beginning of each month, until the crisis has passed, the authors will be given the opportunity to offer short updates, of 600-800 words, on their country/region’s continuing response to this pandemic and their further reflections on those responses.
Canadian Perspective Survey Series
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The Canadian Perspectives Survey Series (CPSS) involves people who agree to complete about six very short online surveys over a period of one year (about one every two months) using randomly sample households from the Labor Force Survey (LFS) out-going rotation groups.
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The first survey of the series focused on the impacts of COVID-19. The second survey of the series focused on monitoring the effect of COVID-19. The third survey of the series focuses on the gradual reopening of economic and social activities during COVID-19.
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Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The goal of CanCovidData is to provide a collection of covid-19 data import functions for international and Canadian data, as well as some helper functions for data processing and graphing. R package which lines up with the official updates from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Disease
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19CDC uses diverse data streams to track and analyze COVID-19 at the local, state, and national levels. CDC reports COVID-19 case counts, deaths, and laboratory testing numbers daily online. Data on the COVID-19 website and CDC’s COVID Data Tracker are based on the most recent numbers reported by states, territories, and other jurisdictions. Data are dependent on jurisdictions’ timely and accurate reporting. In addition, CDC regularly reports provisional death certificate data on the NCHS website.
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Show Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 8-
An Economic Model of the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Importance of Testing and Age-Specific Policies
Predictors of Social Distancing and Mask-Wearing Behavior: Panel Survey in Seven U.S. States
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19: Evidence from Six Large Cities
School Closures and Effective In-Person Learning during COVID-19: When, Where, and for Whom
State-Level Economic Policy Uncertainty
The Forgotten Numbers: A Closer Look at COVID-19 Non-Fatal Valuations
The Short-Term Economic Consequences of COVID-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Government Response
Urban Density and COVID-19
Central Asia Barometer Survey Wave 10
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The survey features data from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. The survey includes data gathered from respondent’s opinions on social issues, international relations, economics, COVID 19, and many other important topics.
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Public Health includes concerns about COVID-19, trust for government source information about COVID-19, governmental measures and restrictions, resources to fight COVID-19, the country best able to provide aid to fight COVID-19, readiness to take a COVID-19 vaccine, preferences over COVID-19 vaccine.
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey - COVID-19 Supplementary Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Data collection for CILS4COVID started in April 2020, By the end of the fieldwork period, a total of 67% (N = 3,517) of this gross sample had participated in the survey. Fieldwork was conducted in two different interview modes: Web and postal questionnaires. The questions centered around the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on daily life, questions about respondents' attitudes towards both the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Except for the reference word, both sets of questions have the same wording. The purpose of this is to compare young adults' perceptions of how policymakers are dealing with both challenges.
The questions cover the following areas:- Trust in political parties in dealing with the respective challenge
- Attitudes toward the German federal government in dealing with the respective challenge
- Attitudes toward how the German government is handling the respective challenge
- Perceptions of the responsibility of the state and the citizens in dealing with the respective challenge
China Data Lab - China COVID-19 Daily Cases with Basemap
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Daily update on the numbers of COVID-2019 confirmed, recovered, dead, foreign imported cases with Chinese provincial and city level base maps in the format of shapefile. The data starts from January 15, 2020.
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CHS COVID-19 Control Strategies List (CCCSL)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Worldwide, governments have implemented country-specific control strategies to . However, were those measures effective? Researchers at the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) Vienna are building a comprehensive database of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) taken by the governments worldwide in order to prevent the introduction and mitigate the spread of the virus, and to assess the impact of these actions on the spread of the COVID-19 in the respective countries. Students, researchers, and volunteers are collecting data from public sources on the implemented NPIs, including the time schedules for the implementation.
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The dataset describes the implemented NPIs for 54 countries, including the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Measures implemented at the subnational level (state, region, city) are also included.
Citizens’ Attitudes Under the COVID-19 Pandemic Project
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The survey measures ordinary people’s perceptions of and behavioral reactions to the disease caused by COVID-19. It investigates and documents attitudes towards policies on a number of issues – health, the economy, civil liberties – and towards governments and institutions. The project measures representations, attitudes and reactions among the general public in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in a number of countries exposed to the coronavirus. Among others it examines also how people respond to the crisis in terms of economic well-being, tax implications, preferences on the role of the state, economic choices related to the national context and supranational environment (cooperation vs. self-interest).
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The methodological design consisted of a broad series of online public opinion surveys in 18 countries in March and April 2020. The survey was repeated at least 4 times in every country (8 waves in France). All surveys run through CAWI (Computer-assisted web interviewing) on samples going from 2,000 respondents to 1,000 respondents.
CLEAR Project Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19In order to analyze the impact of COVID-19 measures on households and women in Italy, the researchers used a representative sample of 800 Italian women interviewed in April and July 2019 with the purpose of understanding inequalities in women’s work, savings and pensions. In April 2020, the project repeated the interviews, adding specific questions related to the the COVID-19 crisis.
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The survey was designed to gather data on four main areas that may have been affected by the health emergency: work, housework, childcare and home schooling. The questions asked, show whether the women and their partners were allowed to continue working at their jobs after the lockdown and its effects during the first phase of the emergency.
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CLS | COVID-19 Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19During the coronavirus pandemic, we have been running a series of surveys to find out about the experiences of the participants in five national longitudinal cohort studies. The aim is to understand the economic, social and health impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, the extent to which the pandemic is widening or narrowing inequalities, and the lifelong factors which shape vulnerability and resilience to its effects. We have now completed three waves of the survey. Participants in all four of the national longitudinal cohort studies that we manage at CLS, as well as participants in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development, have taken part. In March 2021, study participants who had taken part in any of these three COVID-19 surveys were asked to provide a blood sample to be analysed for COVID-19 antibodies.
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COCONEL for Coronavirus and Confinement: Longitudinal Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19COCONEL for Coronavirus and Confinement: Longitudinal survey, is an online survey deployed by the IFOP polling institute with a panel of a thousand people representative of the French adult population on various aspects of the COVID-19 crisis. Conducted by a consortium of researchers, the study aims to follow more specifically the psychological, emotional and behavioral response of the French population to the COVID-19 epidemic and to containment.
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The COCONEL survey is carried out online. Once a week, a sample of a thousand people, representative of the French adult population, is interviewed on the following aspects: housing conditions, job, child and educational continuity, neighborhood and feeling of isolation, containment and living conditions, opinions on containment, prognosis for the duration of the epidemic, sleep disturbances, signs of psychological distress, acceptability of a COVID-19 vaccine, prognosis for the duration of the epidemic (in French).
COME-HERE (COVID-19 MEntal HEalth, REsilience and self-regulation)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The COME-HERE (COVID-19 MEntal HEalth, REsilience and self-regulation) dataset is created and administered by the University of Luxembourg and conducted by Qualtrics. So far there are six waves, with wave 1 taking place in April 2020, and over 30,000 person-wave observations. The countries the dataset covers are France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden.
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Two surveys conducted with Luxembourg residents in March and June 2021 offer a snapshot of their working and living conditions during the pandemic, in particular their income, compliance with health and confinement guidelines, and pre-and post-pandemic health characteristics.
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Constance Homeoffice Study
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The study analyses 699 people who are currently working from home. The surveys were carried out at nine different times during the social and economic restrictions from March to May 2020 including eight subsequent diary studies. In terms of age and gender, the population of the respondents corresponds to the average of the German working population. First results of the survey showed that the perceived productivity and commitment of employees are promoted by working from home and that a large majority would like to continue to work partially on a mobile basis. However, a tendency towards overtime and associated exhaustion is also evident (in German).
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Consumer Pyramids Household Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The Consumer Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS), produced by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), is the world's largest household panel survey, a continuous survey of more than 174,000 households in India. CPHS revisits its entire sample in three four-month waves each year, permitting longitudinal analysis starting in January 2014. Overall, CPHS aims to get a sense of the economic well-being of households in India and changes in their well-being over time. Since each household is surveyed three times per year, the survey allows up to five observations per person, subject to attrition, and provide us with a pre- and post-pandemic panel of individuals.
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Consumers and COVID-19
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Ongoing survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland that asks consumers questions related to the recent coronavirus outbreak, including their expectations for how the economy is likely to be affected by the outbreak and how their own behavior has changed in response to it. The survey began in early March, providing a window into how consumers’ responses have evolved in real time since the early days of the acknowledged spread of COVID-19 in the United States. In updating and charting the survey’s findings on the Cleveland Fed’s website going forward, the researchers seek to inform policymakers and researchers about consumers’ beliefs during a time of high uncertainty and unprecedented policy responses.
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The survey is administered on the Qualtrics survey platform, and Qualtrics recruits a nationally representative sample of participants to provide responses. All respondents are required to be US residents, fluent in English, and 18 or older.
Coordinating Remote Work During COVID-19
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Qualitative research study at the University of Washington to quickly identify, analyze, and share useful processes, actions, and best practices used by organizations to coordinate social distancing via remote collaborative working. Enduring knowledge about coordination in a complex organization during time of crisis.
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Cornell's arXiv COVID-19 quick search
Open Access Full Texts Related to COVID-19Cornell's arXiv is a free distribution service and an interdisciplinary open-access archive.
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Corona Compass
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The Corona Compass study, conducted by infratest dimap, is based on a representative sample of the German population eligible to vote in Germany and with an online access. A standard set of questions includes, among other things, the extent to which corona infections are affected in the personal environment, the evaluation of government measures as a whole, the assessment of various individual measures by the state and of companies, the subjective risk assessment of infection, basic attitudes towards economic and political situation and other key indicators. The standard set has been expanded and modified several times recording the acceptance of new measures that are becoming increasingly important in the public discussion. In addition, the Corona Compass collects various questions from basic behavioral and social science research.
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As such, it is one of the few representative surveys of (family) well-being that exists for Germany. The COMPASS study has more observations and more information on families than other special well-being surveys taken during the COVID-19 crisis.
The data includes satisfaction in three areas that are important for the well-being of families, namely general life satisfaction, satisfaction with family life, and satisfaction with childcare. The data also includes detailed questions on whether individuals with dependent children in the household are affected by school and day care center closures, on the degree to which they feel restricted by public measures taken to contain COVID-19, and on the extent to which they work from home (in German).
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Corona Virus Counter Measures
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19This web app tracks global policies against the coronavirus. It covers the period from 23 January 2020, when China announced the first lockdown measures in Wuhan, to now.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The survey looks to identify how many people across England test positive for COVID-19 infection at a given point in time, regardless of whether they report to experiencing symptoms; also, the average number of new infections per week over the course of the study is quantified; and the number of people who test positive for antibodies is specified, to indicate how many people are ever likely to have had the infection.
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The sample for the survey is drawn mainly from the Annual Population Survey (APS), which consists collectively of those who successfully completed the last wave of the Labor Force Survey (LFS) or local LFS boost, and who have consented to future contact regarding research. Additionally, adults over 16 years old surveyed are asked to provide a blood sample, which is used to test for the presence of antibodies to COVID-19.
Coronavirus Disease-19 Cases in Korea by City/Province
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Data on confirmed cases (isolated, released from quarantine, deceased incidence) released by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).
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Countering COVID-19: A European Survey on Acceptability and Commitment to Preventive Measures
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The survey is covering over 7.500 individuals that are representative of the population in seven European countries with respect to region, age, gender and education. The fieldwork took place from April 2 to April 15 using an online questionnaire addressing such issues as people’s risk perceptions, support of containment policies, trust in information, worries, vaccination attitudes, and prevention behavior in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Within this project, the survey will be conducted again twice in May and in June.
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Countries With a Census in 2020 and the Impact of COVID-19
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The United Nations Statistics Division has launched this website to provide an overview of the pandemic's consequences in terms of census-taking in the year 2020. The information presented here has been provided by census managers from respective countries. This website will be updated daily as replies and updates from national statistical offices are received and processed.
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COVerAGE-DB: A Database of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Age
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19A database of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths as reported by statistical agencies, standardized and in harmonized age groups.
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COVID Inequality Project
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The project is documenting the impact of the pandemic on workers. It is particularly interested in understanding how the outbreak of COVID-19 and government policies are impacting inequality across many dimensions, such as age, gender, occupation, work arrangements, and education.
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Already two survey waves were launched (N > 20.000) collecting responses from large geographically representative samples in the US and UK and one survey wave in Germany. The goal is to inform the policy, academic, and public community about the impact of these dramatic developments and the recovery on different groups of society.
Show Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 5-
Inequality in the Impact of the Coronavirus Shock: Evidence from Real Time Surveys
Perceived Returns to Job Search
The Value of Sick Pay
When the Great Equalizer Shuts Down: Schools, Peers, and Parents in Pandemic Times
Work That Can Be Done from Home: Evidence on Variation within and across Occupations and Industries
COVID-19 and Inequality - Survey Program
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The surveys focus on the social and political consequences of the coronavirus crisis and cover multiple topics, such as the perceived individual and social consequences of the pandemic and the measures taken to contain it, trust in health and social policy and the welfare state, support for government aid given to businesses, gender inequalities, questions of solidarity within the EU, opinions on the "Corona app", on debates about loosening the emergency measures, and on perceived infection risks in the working place. The surveys combine the latest research about the highly unusual pandemic-induced situation with a wider range of interdisciplinary questions that are at the core of the Cluster's long-term agenda.
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COVID-19 and Mental Health
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The University of Glasgow is leading a new study, into the mental health and wellbeing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in adults across the UK.
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COVID-19 and Remote Work
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19To get a real-time sense of how firms and workers are adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic the researchers conducted a nationally-representative sample of the US population using Google Consumer Surveys (GCS) on working practices. The survey was launched on April 1, 2020 and collected responses until April 5, collecting a total of 25.000 responses asking a single question: "Have you started to work from home in the last 4 weeks?"
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COVID-19 Approval Polls
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Polling data on the approval and disapproval of politicians and political decisions handling of the COVID-19 pandemic with adjustments applied using FiveThirtyEight's poll-averaging algorithm. Each record measures the approval and disapproval (adjusted and unadjusted) ratings for a specific poll by the population type and party of respondents. The data are standardized for the following questions: How worried are Americans about the infection, the economy, and US President Trump's response to the COVID-19 crisis.
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COVID-19 Belgium Epidemiological Situation
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19In order to get comprehensive information to monitor the COVID-19 epidemic, in Belgium Sciensano brings together data streams from different sources. Sciensano collects data on lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases (data collection includes the number of tests performed, positive and negative results, as well as basic demographic data - age, gender, postcode), hospitalized COVID-19 patients and COVID-19 deaths (number of hospitalized and deceased COVID-19 patients through a daily online survey). Data are updated on a regular basis and available in Excel, csv and json formats.
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COVID-19 Cases for Italy from the Civil Protection Department
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19COVID-19 data releases of the Italian Department of Civil Protection (Presidency of the Council of Minister). This data allows to explore the consequences of the heterogeneity in the geographical diffusion of the COVID-19 outbreak.
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National or Local? The Demand for News in Italy during COVID-19
Partial Lockdown and the Spread of COVID-19: Lessons from the Italian Case
Social Capital and the Spread of COVID-19: Insights from European Countries
The Economic Effects of COVID-19 and Credit Constraints: Evidence from Italian Firms' Expectations and Plans
Voting, Contagion and the Trade-Off between Public Health and Political Rights: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Italian 2020 Polls
COVID-19 Clinical Trials Studies
Public Health and MedicineThe database lists ongoing and completed COVID-19 studies recorded on the World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO ICTRP). Information in the WHO ICTRP comes from clinical trial databases maintained by other countries or regions of the world.
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COVID-19 Data from the CPS
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Starting in May 2020, a series of questions were added to the Current Population Survey related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. The first 4 questions concerned how an individual’s labor force characteristics may have been caused by the pandemic. These questions will remain in CPS for the foreseeable future. A fifth set of questions captured whether the pandemic caused anyone in the household to need medical care for something other than Coronavirus, but not get it because of the pandemic. These questions will be (were) dropped from the CPS starting in November 2020.
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Show Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 29-
Asian Discrimination in the Coronavirus Era: Implications for Business Formation and Survival
COVID-19 Employment Status Impacts on Food Sector Workers
COVID-19 School Closures and Parental Labor Supply in the United States
COVID-19, Stay-At-Home Orders and Employment: Evidence from CPS Data
Employment Opportunities and High School Completion during the COVID-19 Recession
Fiscal Multipliers in the COVID-19 Recession
From Mancession to Shecession: Women's Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions
Has the Willingness to Work Fallen during the COVID Pandemic?
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the CARES Act on Earnings and Inequality
Initial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Employment and Hours of Self-Employed Coupled and Single Workers by Gender and Parental Status
Lockdown Accounting
Mothers' Caregiving during COVID: The Impact of Divorce Laws and Homeownership on Women's Labor Force Status
Policies to Help the Working Class in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Lessons from the Great Recession
The Adverse Effect of the COVID-19 Labor Market Shock on Immigrant Employment
The COVID-19 Pandemic's Evolving Impacts on the Labor Market: Who's Been Hurt and What We Should Do
The Distributional Impacts of Early Employment Losses from COVID-19
The Effect of a Health and Economic Shock on the Gender, Ethnic and Racial Gap in Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from COVID-19
The Evolving Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Gender Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market: The COVID Motherhood Penalty
The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: Evidence of Early-Stage Losses from the April 2020 Current Population Survey
The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: The First Three Months after Social-Distancing Restrictions
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Minority Unemployment: First Evidence from April 2020 CPS Microdata
The New Hazardous Jobs and Worker Reallocation
The Short-Term Economic Consequences of COVID-19: Exposure to Disease, Remote Work and Government Response
The Unemployed with Jobs and without Jobs
UI Generosity and Job Acceptance: Effects of the 2020 CARES Act
Unemployment Paths in a Pandemic Economy
Who Is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-Earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home?
Work That Can Be Done from Home: Evidence on Variation within and across Occupations and Industries
Young and Hungry? Employment Levels for Young People During Spring 2021
COVID-19 Data Portal
Public Health and MedicineTo address this challenge, international partners have has set up the COVID-19 Data Portal, which will bring together relevant datasets submitted to EMBL-EBI and other major centres for biomedical data. The aim is to facilitate data sharing and analysis, and to accelerate coronavirus research. The COVID-19 Data Portal will enable researchers to upload, access and analyse COVID-19 related reference data and specialist datasets.
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COVID-19 Disorder Tracker
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The COVID-19 Disorder Tracker (CDT) provides special coverage of the pandemic’s impact on political violence and protest around the world, monitoring changes in demonstration activity, state repression, mob attacks, overall rates of armed conflict, and more.
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Covid-19 Dutch Cumulative Numbers per Municipality
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The data contain the cumulative numbers of - positively tested persons, hospital admissions, and number of deaths by municipality, per date published by the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment).
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COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Eurofound’s COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch aims to map measures introduced to cushion the social and economic effects on businesses, workers and citizens. It also includes information on the role played by social partners in the design and implementation of the measures. Eurofound’s COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the crisis, as well as gathering examples of company practices aimed at mitigating the social and economic impacts.
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COVID-19 Health, Racial & Economic Equity Data Viewer
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19This collection contains Esri maps, data, and apps that can help guide decisions around health, racial, and economic equity during COVID-19 and beyond.
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Includes data on race, ethnicity, age, gender, immigration, language, child well-being, senior well-being, disability status, health insurance, income, disposable income, home ownership, housing costs, air quality, homelessness, diversity, food access, savings vulnerability, education, internet access, family living arrangements, population, poverty, transportation, unemployment, social vulnerability, occupations, business & economic vulnerability, life expectancy, low birth weight, COVID-19 providers, social distancing, and more.
COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The Medical Industry Leadership Institute (MILI) and the Management Information Systems Research Center (MISRC) at the Carlson School of Management has launched this project to consistently track and report daily hospitalizations from all 50 states. Each state’s website is reviewed twice daily. The COVID-19 tracking database is recording the following variables: aggregated, de-identified data from states’ reports on current hospitalizations, cumulative hospitalizations, current and cumulative ICU and ventilator use and deaths from state’s publicly available website. All recorded data is time stamped
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COVID-19 Impact on International Higher Education: Studies & Forecasts
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19An astonishing number of surveys, analyses, and forecasts on the possible COVID-19 impact on international higher education. The DAAD wants to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of COVID-19 research and expertise in the field of international higher education.
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Covid-19 India
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19District-wise information on the number of confirmed cases, the case fatality rate, and testing rates at the state-level are obtained from the crowdsourced data publicly available on Covid-19 India.
These data are consistent with official information from the Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as well as international sources on India’s statistics such as those from Johns Hopkins University.
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COVID-19 Infections from the Public Health Agency of Sweden at the County-Day Level
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The current number of confirmed (county-, and city day) cases, weekly reports, tests performed, analyzes, forecasts and risk assessment is displayed on the website of the Public Health Agency of Sweden (in Swedish).
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COVID-19 is Rapidly Changing: Examining Public Perceptions and Behaviors in Response to this Evolving Pandemic.
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The researchers conducted an online survey of Australian residents between 18 and 24 March 2020. Proportional quota sampling was used to ensure that respondents were demographically representative of the general public, with quotas based on age, gender and state/territory. Respondents were required to be 18 years or older and to speak English.
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Respondents were asked to rate the perceived level of effectiveness in reducing the risk from COVID-19. These items included those promoted by the government and those that were not (mask use when not symptomatic, taking antibiotics). The strategies were grouped into: hygiene related behaviors (hand washing/sanitizing, cleaning surfaces) and avoidance-related behaviors (avoiding crowds, public transport, and complying with quarantine restrictions). Included was also a question that assessed the respondent’s ability to adopt to different social distancing strategies (working from home, keeping children home from school, avoiding travelling, avoiding large crowds, quarantine if exposed, and isolation if symptomatic. The last section of the survey included items focused on self-isolation. Respondents were asked to comment on their willingness to comply, their level of concern regarding the impact on being placed into self-isolation (at home), their ability to comply, their access to assistance from family/friends and issues they have with the strategy.
COVID-19 Knowledge Space
Public Health and MedicineFraunhofer SCAI has a long-standing record in the organization and curation (quality assessment and quality improvement of scientific data and knowledge) in entire indication areas. This results in a massive attempt at harnessing the power and capacities in automated information extraction (text mining; extraction from tables; extraction from images) to generate leading disease maps and pharmacomes in the world.
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COVID-19 Open Data Initiative: Job Postings from Burning Glass
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Database of more than a billion current and historical job postings from Burning Glass Technologies to measure economic shocks effects on the job market.
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Covid-19 Safe Distance
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The data provides new evidence related to predictors of COVID-19 transmission. Specifically, it investigates work and personal predictors of transmission experience reported by to better understand possible transmission pathways and mechanisms in the community.
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The survey took place over the first week of June 2020 by electronic means (via phones or personal computers but not face-to-face meetings) using quota sampling to obtain a national sample broadly representative for those of working age with some oversampling to reflect contrasts of interest.
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COVID-19 Situation in Switzerland
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Data on confirmed cases of coronavirus infections and deaths due to the disease, the epidemiological situation, the search for antibodies, the advisory body, press conferences and news can all be found here.
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COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The aim of the project is to repeatedly get an insight into how the population perceives the corona pandemic: how the “psychological situation” is emerging. The aim is to to monitor public perceptions of risk, protective and preparedness behaviors, public trust, as well as knowledge and misinformation to enable government spokespeople, the media, and health organizations to implement adequate responses. The study design allows rapid and adaptive monitoring of these variables over time and assessing the relations between risk perceptions, knowledge and misinformation to preparedness and protective behavior regarding COVID-19 in Germany.
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The study participants are invited through an online panel provider. Every week, a representative distribution of the N = 1,000 respondents between the ages of 18-74 is selected based on the census data from Germany. Wave 1 interviewed 977 people. Quotations are made according to age / gender (crossed) and federal state (uncrossed).
COVID-19 Symptom Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The COVID-19 symptom surveys are designed to help researchers better monitor and forecast the spread of COVID-19. In partnership with University of Maryland and Carnegie Mellon University, Facebook users are invited to take surveys conducted by these two partner universities to self-report COVID-19-related symptoms.
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The questionnaire asks about current symptoms, access to testing, testing outcome, and contacts outside of their home. Other items included self-reported household financial outlookand indicators for nervousness, depression, and anxiety, adapted from the K10 scale. A 5 day “look back” period was used for mental health measures, in order to examine these constructs in a rapidly changing environment.
Non-public, non-aggregated US and non-US (daily) survey data are available after Facebook's and partner universities' approval.
COVID-19 Transmission Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The dataset was developed by a survey that took place over the first week of June 2020. Samples of 1,000 adults in the US and UK were obtained from a professional survey company using quota sampling to obtain national samples broadly representative for those of working age with some oversampling to reflect contrasts of interest. All survey recruitment and completion was done by electronic means (so via phones or personal computers but not face-to-face meetings). Towards the end of the sampling period some of the quotas were relaxed. Ex post, a set of weights that can be used to construct nationally representative results. Respondents were paid a small amount for completing the survey which took about 5 minutes on average to complete. It is important to reiterate that survey responses are self reports and that said, overall reported infection rates are comparable to those reported elsewhere for the UK and US bearing in mind the predominance of early transmission experience.
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The dataset contains several variables related to transmission experience while the analysis focuses on the possession of a medical diagnosis or positive test self-reported by the respondent.
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COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The University of Maryland Social Data Science Center Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey, in partnership with Facebook is a partnership between Facebook and academic institutions. The survey is available in 56 languages. A representative sample of Facebook users is invited on a daily basis to report on topics including, for example, symptoms, social distancing behavior, vaccine acceptance, mental health issues, and financial constraints. Facebook provides weights to reduce nonresponse and coverage bias. Country and region-level statistics are published daily via public API and dashboards, and microdata is available for researchers via data use agreements. Over half a million responses are collected daily. Data for the United States is not included in the Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey but is available at As of June 25, 2022, the COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey will no longer collect new survey data. Historical data will continue to be available.
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COVID-19 US State Policy Database (CUSP)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The COVID-19 US State Policy Database tracks the dates when each US state implemented new social safety net, economic, and physical distancing policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with data on existing health and social policies and information on state characteristics. This database is developed and maintained by researchers at the Boston University School of Public Health, and is updated at least biweekly.
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The database has information on unemployment program, healthcare delivery, racial disparities, incarcerated individuals, vote by mail, physical distance closures, exact date of the declaration of the state of emergency, school and non-essential business closures, shelter-in-place orders, housing protections, masks wearing mandates, changes to Medicaid and SNAP, reopening, quarantines for out of state visitors, alcohol and firearms, substance use disorder policies, food security, and more.
Policies included are state-wide directives or mandates, not guidance or recommendations. In order for a policy to be included, it must apply to the entire state.
Show Related IZA Discussion Papers using this Data Resource 4-
Asian Discrimination in the Coronavirus Era: Implications for Business Formation and Survival
Deregulation in a Time of Pandemic: Does Pollution Increase Coronavirus Cases or Deaths?
Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? County-Level Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election
COVID-19-Related Shocks in Rural India 2020
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The World Bank, IDinsight, and the Development Data Lab produced rigorous and responsive data for policymakers across six states in India: Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh.
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COVID-19, Face Mask Usage and Cooperation
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19This study investigates the relationship between face mask usage and cooperative behaviour in the US population during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social preferences are assumed to be one of the main determining factors of face mask usage. However, the decision to wear a face mask in public could also signal the wearer’s latent political identity, subsequently altering other’s perception of the wearer’s willingness to cooperate. The bi-directional relationship between these two variables is investigated in a randomised online survey experiment.
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COVID-19: Regional Data and Facts about the Pandemic in Germany
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19A digital magazine for business, research and teaching on the topic of geomarketing with constantly new data and facts about the spatial and temporal spread of COVID-19 in Germany (in German).
Cuebiq COVID-19 Mobility Insights
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Cuebiq makes its anonymized mobility data and data expertise available to trusted researchers of COVID-19 to study aggregate human mobility patterns as COVID-19 spreads, the secondary impacts of the disease and health interventions, and to model the possible spread of the disease based on historic mobility patterns.
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Current COVID-19 Status in Turkey
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Daily COVID-19 situation in Turkey from the Turkish Ministry of Health
Current Monthly Reports - Deutsche Bundesbank
Economic DevelopmentThe monthly reports handle economic issues, including in particular monetary policy, and financial and economic policy issues (latest month always in German).
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Data for: COVID-19 Dataset: Worldwide Spread Log Including Countries First Case And First Death
Open Access Full Texts Related to COVID-19This dataset can be used to keep track of the path of the spread of COVID-19 and its effect. The dataset can also be used to predict the spread chain of a new virus, pandemics in the future. Besides, it can be used to understand the threat of pandemic for different ages in the future. It is also important for the action regarding pandemic for government policies and represents quite easily almost everything to track COVID-19 from countries to countries and continents to continents.
The data mainly focus on two major fields first one is First Case which consists of information of Date of First Case(s), Number of confirm Case(s) at First Day, Age of the patient(s) of First Case, Last Visited Country and the other one First Death information consist of Date of First Death and Age of the Patient who died first for every Country mentioning corresponding Continent. The datasets also contain the Binary Matrix of spread chain among different country and region.
Data Sets for COVID-19 Research on Google Cloud Platform
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19In an effort to help combat COVID-19, Google created a COVID-19 Public Datasets program to make data more accessible to researchers, data scientists and analysts. The program will host a repository of public datasets that relate to the COVID-19 crisis and make them free to access and analyze. These include datasets from the New York Times, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Google, Global Health Data from the World Bank, and OpenStreetMap.
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- COVID-19 Data Resource Hub
Open Data and Surveys Related to, a platform for data that enables users to post, search, and collaborate on data sets on a trusted, large and meaningful scale.
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Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19DataCite provides persistent identifiers for research data and other research outputs across disciplines.
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DE CIX Internet Exchange
Technological DevelopmentDE CIX is an internet hub in Frankfurt am Main and leading in terms of data throughput (managing more than 9 terabits per second peak traffic). 2-day, 1-month and a 1-year overall traffic for Hamburg, additionally added for Frankfurt, Dubai and Madrid.
Decision Maker Panel (DMP)
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19The Decision Maker Panel (DMP) is comprised of Financial Officers from small, medium and large UK companies operating in a broad range of industries and is designed to be representative of the population of UK businesses. The motivation behind the (DMP) was to collect more detailed information on business expectations than is currently available from other sources. The results have proven valuable to the Bank of England, both in terms of informing policy decisions and in creating opportunities for high quality research. Improving our understanding of the decisions that companies are likely to make over the coming years will be critical in helping the Monetary Policy Committee to assess the prospects for the UK economy.
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Pandemic-Era Uncertainty
Demographics of COVID-19 Deaths
Open Data and Surveys Related to COVID-19Current analyses of Individuals who died after testing postive on COVID-19 in hospitals or elsewhere are still indicative in understanding how the pandemic develops; however, harmonized datasets are required. This effort is currently being led by the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). Their team is centralizing and harmonizing data on-line, along with analyses on reliable recorded deaths due to COVID-19 specified by sex, age group and place of death, with precise documentation of the limits and strengths of the data.
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DENTONS New Dynamic Global Employment Tracker
Open Access Full Texts Related to COVID-19In this tracker, you will continue to find the latest government guidelines along with details on how to manage government provisions impacting businesses and employer protection responsibilities, returning to work (guidelines and obligations), employment terms adjustment, employee compensation in quarantine (if unable to perform functions/diagnosed with COVID-19), employee data privacy, and travel protocols.