Jackline Wahba is a Professor of Economics at the University of Southampton (UK). She obtained her PhD from the Department of Economics at the University of Southampton. Her research interests are in Labour and Development Economics. Her recent work has focused on migration and labour markets in developing countries, in particular on (i) International Migration: Return migration: determinants and impact of return migration on country of origin; entrepreneurship, human capital accumulation of migrants; Remittances and impact of overseas migration on those left behind; (ii) Migrants’ labour market experience in host countries; welfare state generosity and migration skill selectivity,(iii) Labour mobility: sectoral mobility; interregional mobility, (iv) Labour market: role of social networks, role of economic reforms, informal sector, unemployment and child labour. She is a research fellow of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and the Centre for Research & Analysis of Migration (CReAM).
Her work has been published in the Review of Economics & Statistics, the Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Population Economics, among others.
She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2005.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 7270
Corrado Giulietti, Jackline Wahba, Klaus F. Zimmermann
published in: Research in Labor Economics, 2013, 37, 65-92
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6450
Corrado Giulietti, Jackline Wahba
published in: Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann (eds.), International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, Edward Elgar 2013, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, USA, Chapter 26, 489-504
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5722
revised version published in: Review of Economics & Statistics, 2014, 96(3), 483-494
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5546
revised version published as 'Welfare Magnet Hypothesis, Fiscal Burden and Immigration Skill Selectivity' in: Journal of Scandinavian Economics, 2015, 177 (2), 369 - 402
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4541
published in: Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2012, 42 (5), 890–903
IZA Discussion Paper No. 1966
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2006, 79 (2), 374-397
IZA Discussion Paper No. 1771
published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2006, 19 (4), 823-852
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