Ian Walker is Professor of Economics at the Lancaster University Management School since October 2008. Before he came to Lancaster he taught as Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick (1999-2008), Keele University (1988-1999) and was a lecturer in Economics at Manchester University (1977-1988).

He received his BA (Hons) in Economics at the University of Liverpool - 1973/6 and his MA in Economics at Warwick in 1976/7.

His major research interests are in the econometrics of the labour market and applied aspects of public policy issues, such as the determination of R&D expenditure, taxation and work incentives, social security issues, and the welfare economics of indirect taxation.

He had numerous publications of articles and papers in refereed economic journals, for example Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and European Economic Review.

In 1996 he published his book "The Measurement of Household Welfare" at Cambridge University Press (edited with I. Preston and R. Blundell).

Besides working as professor he is a Honorary Fellow at the University College of London and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. From 2004 until 2008 he was Secretary of the European Economic Association (EEA).

Ian Walker joined IZA as a Research Fellow in October 1999. From 2016-2019 he served as Program Coordinator of IZA’s research area “Education”.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 1496
published in: IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 2013, 2:8
IZA Discussion Paper No. 1144
published in: Fiscal Studies, 2005, 26 (3), 335–370
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