Terry Gregory is a Research Associate at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). Previously, he was team leader of the research group "Digital Transformation" at IZA and Data Scientist in the Analytics division of REWE Group. He continues to collaborate closely with IZA as an Associated Member.

He studied economics at the University of Bonn and at Charles University in Prague. In January 2015, he completed his PhD at the University of Regensburg. His research focuses on the impact of automation and digitization on firms, workers, and labor markets, the causal evaluation of public policies such as minimum wages as well as data science methods and machine learning with Big Data.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 15283
Angelika Ganserer, Terry Gregory, Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13883
published in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2021, 7 (1), 113 - 131
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13633
Terry Gregory, Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2022, 206, 104582
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12428
Melanie Arntz, Terry Gregory, Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
published in: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 2020
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12063
Terry Gregory, Anna Salomons, Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage
published as 'Racing With or Against the Machine? Evidence on the Role of Trade in Europe" in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022, 20 (2), 869 - 906
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7047
published in: German Economic Review, 2013, 14 (3), 282-315.
IZA Research Report No. 95
Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission, Bonn 2020 (102 Seiten)