Stéphane Carcillo is the Head of the Jobs and Income Division at the OECD and a Research Fellow at Sciences Po. He received his PhD in Economics at the University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne in 2001.

His research fields are applied and theoretical labor economics. His most recent works focus on youth policies, hiring subsidies and working time. He also works on employment protection laws. His papers are published by the Journal of Labor Economics, Economic Policy, the Louvain Economic Review and the Annals of Economics and Statistics.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in March 2007.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 13794
Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, Bérengère Patault, Flavien Moreau
published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024, 22 (3), 1319 - 1366
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11248
published in: Review of Economic Studies, 2019, 86 (2), 593-626.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10842
pubished in: Journal of Human Resources, 2021, 56 (1), 159-183
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5439
published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2014, 32 (2), 361-400.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5430
published in: Nordic Economic Policy Review, 2011, 1(1),133-165.
IZA Policy Paper No. 64
official translation of a report delivered to the French Council of Economic Analysis and the French Prime Minister