Around 1,700 renowned economists from all parts of the world cooperate with IZA as Research Fellows by contributing publications and participating in projects and events (read more about the appointment process). While IZA benefits from collaborating with numerous very active Fellows, the institute offers a perfect platform for research communication, remote access to relevant data, and attractive publication outlets. Our network activities are supported by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession.

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Rebitzer, James B.

Research Fellow

Boston University

Rees, Daniel I.

Research Fellow

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Regets, Mark

Research Fellow

National Foundation for American Policy

Regmi, Krishna

Research Fellow

Florida Gulf Coast University

Reizer, Balázs

Research Fellow

Corvinus University of Budapest

Rendon, Silvio

Research Fellow

Inter-American Development Bank

Renkin, Tobias

Research Fellow

Danmarks Nationalbank

Rettore, Enrico

Research Fellow

University of Padova

Reuben, Ernesto

Research Fellow

New York University, Abu Dhabi

Riach, Peter A. (decd)

Research Fellow                                    

Independent Researcher

Ribar, David C.

Research Fellow

Georgia State University

Rickne, Johanna

Research Fellow

Swedish Institute for Social Research

Riddell, W. Craig

Research Fellow

University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Riedl, Arno

Research Fellow

Maastricht University

Rieger, Matthias

Research Fellow

ISS, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Riener, Gerhard

Research Fellow

University of Southampton