Rasmus Landersø

Research Fellow

Rockwool Foundation Research Unit

Rasmus Landersø is a Research Professor at the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit in Denmark. Rasmus has received his PhD in Economics from Aarhus University and prior to that his Master in Economics from the University of Copenhagen.

Rasmus has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago, and he is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Human Capital.

Rasmus’ research interest include labor economics, the economics of education, the economics of crime, and applied microeconometrics. His work covers both studies of intergenerational mobility, welfare policies and the role of the public sector, inequality, skill formation, and spillovers in criminal behavior.

He joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in May 2020.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 17244
revised version forthcoming in: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
IZA Discussion Paper No. 16956
Miriam Gensowski, Rasmus Landersø, Philip Dale, Anders Hojen, Laura Justice, Dorthe Bleses
IZA Discussion Paper No. 16077
published in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024, 16 (2), 406 - 441
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10000
published in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2017, 119 (1), 178 - 230
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9279
published in: Economic Journal, 2017, 127, 1096-1118
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7228
substantially extended version available as IZA DP#9279