Our local team in Bonn is complemented by the international IZA research network of fellows and affiliates. Many of our alumni have continued their academic careers at prestigious institutions worldwide. Search across or within the groups below and use different attributes to refine your search.

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Mbaye, Linguère Mously

Research Fellow

African Development Bank

McCormick, Barry

Research Fellow

University of Oxford

McVicar, Duncan

Research Fellow

Queen's University Belfast

Meekes, Jordy

Research Fellow

Leiden University

Meghir, Costas

Research Fellow

Yale University

Mendola, Mariapia

Research Fellow

University of Milan Bicocca

Meng, Xin

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Menon, Nidhiya

Research Fellow

Brandeis University

Merfeld, Joshua D.

Research Affiliate

KDI School of Public Policy and Management

Merkl, Christian

Research Fellow

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Merz, Joachim

Research Fellow

Leuphana University Lüneburg

Messina, Julián

Research Fellow

Universidad de Alicante

Michaud, Amanda

Research Affiliate

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Miller, Paul W.

Research Fellow

Curtin University

Minale, Luigi

Research Fellow

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Miranda, Alfonso

Research Fellow

CIDE, Mexico City