Around 1,700 renowned economists from all parts of the world cooperate with IZA as Research Fellows by contributing publications and participating in projects and events (read more about the appointment process). While IZA benefits from collaborating with numerous very active Fellows, the institute offers a perfect platform for research communication, remote access to relevant data, and attractive publication outlets. Our network activities are supported by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession.

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Singleton, Carl

Research Fellow

University of Stirling

Sinning, Mathias

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Siow, Aloysius

Research Fellow

University of Toronto

Skaksen, Jan Rose

Research Fellow

Rockwool Foundation Research Unit

Skandalis, Daphné

Research Fellow

University of Copenhagen

Skov, Peer Ebbesen

Research Fellow

Auckland University of Technology

Skuterud, Mikal

Research Fellow

University of Waterloo

Sliwka, Dirk

Research Fellow

University of Cologne

Sloane, Peter J.

Research Fellow

Swansea University

Sloczynski, Tymon

Research Fellow

Brandeis University

Slonim, Robert

Research Fellow

University of Sydney

Slonimczyk, Fabian

Research Fellow

NRU HSE, Moscow

Slusky, David

Research Fellow

University of Kansas

Smith, Jeffrey A.

Research Fellow

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Smith, Nina

Research Fellow

Aarhus University

Smith, Stephen C.

Research Fellow

George Washington University

Smith, Jonathan

Research Fellow

Georgia State University