Eswar Prasad is the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy at Cornell University. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he holds the New Century Chair in International Economics, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He was previously chief of the Financial Studies Division in the International Monetary Fund's Research Department and, before that, was the head of the IMF's China Division.

Prasad's latest book is The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution is Transforming Currencies and Finance (Harvard University Press, September 2021). He is also the author of Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi (Oxford, 2016) and The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened Its Grip on Global Finance (Princeton, 2014). His extensive publication record includes articles in numerous collected volumes as well as top academic journals such as the American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, The Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics . He has co-authored and edited numerous books and monographs, including on financial regulation and on China and India.

Prasad has testified before the Senate Finance Committee, the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services and the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and his research on China has been cited in the U.S. Congressional Record. He is the creator of the Brookings-Financial Times world index (TIGER: Tracking Indices for the Global Economic Recovery;

His op-ed articles have appeared in the Financial Times, Foreign Policy, Harvard Business Review, International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post . He has made frequent appearances on BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox, NBC, NPR, PBS, Reuters and other radio and television channels.

He has been a Research Fellow at IZA since 2002.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 13535
Sarah Allen, Srdjan Capkun, Ittay Eyal, Giulia Fanti, Bryan Ford, James Grimmelmann, Ari Juels, Kari Kostiainen, Sarah Meiklejohn, Andrew Miller, Eswar Prasad, Karl Wüst, Fan Zhang
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13001
Isha Agarwal, Grace Weishi Gu, Eswar Prasad
forthcoming in: IMF Economic Review, 2020.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11311
forthcoming in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9405
published in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2020, 55 (4), 1369 - 1414
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9219
published in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015, 74, 102-116
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7777
published in: IMF Economic Review, 2014, 62 (3), 409-429
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6335
Eswar Prasad, Lei (Sandy) Ye
published in: Proceedings of the 2011 Asia Economic Policy Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2011, 127-197
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6032
published in: Proceedings of the 2011 Jackson Hole Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 2011, 391-398
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5331
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2013, 105, 164-177
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5233
published in: Masahiro Kawai and Eswar Prasad (eds.), Financial Sector Reforms and Regulation in Emerging Markets, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2011, 3-24
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4298
published in: International Finance, 2011, 14 (1), 27 - 66
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4133
published in: Journal of International Money and Finance, 2011, 30(1), 147-179
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4037
published in: Dani Rodrik and Mark Rosenzweig (eds.), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 5, The Netherlands: North-Holland, 2010, 4283-4362.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3927
published in: Brookings India Policy Forum, August 2009
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3634
M. Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Marco E. Terrones
published in: Journal of International Money and Finance, 2009, 28 (4), 554-580
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3475
published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2008, 22 (3), 149-172
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3442
published in: International Economic Review, 2012, 53 (2), 511 - 538
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3191
published in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2010, 2 (1), 93-130
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3186
published in: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2007 (1), 153-230
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2995
published in: China Economic Review, 2009, 20 (1), 103-123
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2903
M. Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Marco E. Terrones
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2009, 89 (2), 258-270
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2252
M. Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Marco E. Terrones
published in: Journal of International Economics, 2006, 69 (1), 176-202
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2248
published in: American Economic Review, 2006, 96 (2), 331-336
IZA Discussion Paper No. 702
M. Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad, Marco E. Terrones
published in: American Economic Review, 2003, 93 (2), 57-62
IZA Discussion Paper No. 694
published in: Gabriel Fagan, Francesco Mongelli and Julian Morgan (eds.), Institutions and Wage Formation in the New Europe: Proceedings of the ECB's Annual Labor Market Workshop, London: Edward Elgar, 2004
IZA Discussion Paper No. 510
published in: IMF Staff Papers, 2002, 49 (3), 339-362
IZA Discussion Paper No. 496
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2006, 80 (2), 389-427
IZA Discussion Paper No. 487
Robin L. Lumsdaine, Eswar Prasad
published in: Economic Journal, 2003, 113 (484), 101-127
IZA Discussion Paper No. 448
published in: Review of Economics and Statistics, 2002, 84 (2), 324-341