Our local team in Bonn is complemented by the international IZA research network of fellows and affiliates. Many of our alumni have continued their academic careers at prestigious institutions worldwide. Search across or within the groups below and use different attributes to refine your search.

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Silva, Olmo

Research Fellow

London School of Economics

Silva, Pedro Luís

Research Affiliate

University of Porto

Siminski, Peter

Research Fellow

University of Technology, Sydney

Simons, Lydia

Head of HR, Organization and Legal Affairs


Simonsen, Marianne

Research Fellow

Aarhus University

Simpson, Nicole B.

Research Fellow

Colgate University

Singh, Ruchi

Research Affiliate

University of Georgia

Singhal, Saurabh

Research Fellow

Lancaster University

Singleton, Carl

Research Fellow

University of Stirling

Sinning, Mathias

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Siow, Aloysius

Research Fellow

University of Toronto

Skaksen, Jan Rose

Research Fellow

Rockwool Foundation Research Unit

Skandalis, Daphné

Research Fellow

University of Copenhagen

Skov, Peer Ebbesen

Research Fellow

Auckland University of Technology

Skuterud, Mikal

Research Fellow

University of Waterloo

Slichter, David

Research Fellow

Binghamton University, New York