Around 1,700 renowned economists from all parts of the world cooperate with IZA as Research Fellows by contributing publications and participating in projects and events (read more about the appointment process). While IZA benefits from collaborating with numerous very active Fellows, the institute offers a perfect platform for research communication, remote access to relevant data, and attractive publication outlets. Our network activities are supported by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession.

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Halla, Martin

Research Fellow

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business

Halliday, Timothy J.

Research Fellow

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Haltiwanger, John C.

Research Fellow

University of Maryland

Ham, John C.

Research Fellow

New York University, Abu Dhabi

Ham Gonzalez, Andres

Research Fellow

Universidad de los Andes

Hamermesh, Daniel S.

Research Fellow

University of Texas at Austin

Hanna, Rema

Research Fellow

Harvard University

Hansen, Jörgen

Research Fellow

Concordia University

Hansen, Benjamin

Research Fellow

University of Oregon

Hanson, Gordon H.

Research Fellow

Harvard University

Harmon, Colm P.

Research Fellow

University of Edinburgh

Hart, Robert A.

Research Fellow

University of Stirling

Hartog, Joop

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam

Haskel, Jonathan

Research Fellow

Imperial College London

Hassink, Wolter

Research Fellow

Utrecht University

Hatton, Timothy J.

Research Fellow

University of Essex

Havari, Enkelejda

Research Fellow

IÉSEG School of Management

Haveman, Robert (decd)

Emeritus Research Fellow

University of Wisconsin-Madison