José Alberto Molina is Full Professor of Economics (University of Zaragoza, Spain) since 2012. He is the Director of the Institute on Employment, Digital Society and Sustainability-IEDIS (University of Zaragoza, Spain) since January 2021. Professor Molina has been Visiting Fellow at FEDEA (Madrid, Spain), at Warwick University (UK), at the University of Rhode Island (USA) and at the Boston College (USA). He is international reviewer of JCR journals, of research projects and grants, and of doctoral theses. He is currently Associate Editor of Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, PLOS ONE, and Review of Economics of the Household

The main research area of Professor Molina is microeconomics and, particularly, population and family economics, labour economics, urban mobility and well-being, with specific interest in intra-household allocation and inter-generational transfers. He is also working on projects related to efficient bargaining in families and time uses.

Professor Molina has edite two books with Springer: "Household Economic Behaviors" in 2011 ( and "Mothers in the Labor Market" in 2022 (

José Alberto Molina has published in Ecological Economics, Economic Inquiry, Economic Modelling, Economics of Education Review, Energy Policy, European Journal of Health Economics, Feminist Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Policy Modelling, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Scandinavian Economics, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Kyklos, PLOS ONE, Review of Economics of the Household, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Transport Policy and Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, among others.

Finally, Professor Molina has been the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of the University of Zaragoza during a decade (2005-2015), and the President of the Spanish Association of Deans of Economic and Business Studies (2009-2011). Professor Molina is ranked in the top 2% of Economists in Spain (IDEAS-RePEc) and in the top 5% of Economists in the world (IDEAS-RePEc).

Web page:


IDEAS.RePEc Profile:

Google Scholar Profile:

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in September 2006.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 13306
published as 'Should we cheer together? Gender differences in instantaneous well-being: An application to COVID-19 lockdowns' in: Journal of Happiness Studies, 2023, 24, 529 - 562
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12933
published as 'Intergenerational correlation of self-employment in Western Europe' in: Economic Modelling, 2022, 108, 105741
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12916
published in: Transport Policy, 2022, 116, 327 - 342
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12377
published in: Energy Policy, 2019, 132, 324-331
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11700
published in: Empirica, 2022, 49, 691 - 719
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11271
published as "Work time and well-being for workers at home: evidence from th American Time Use Survey” in: International Journal of Manpower, 2020, 41 (2), 184-206
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10008
published as 'Network analysis to measure academic performance in Economics' in: Empirical Economics, 2020, 58, 995 - 1018
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9938
published as 'Resampling and bootstrap algorithms to asses the relevance of variables: applications to cross-section entrepreneurship data' in: Empirical Economics, 2019, 56, 233-267
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9926
published as 'On the relationship between violent conflict and wages in Colombia' in: Journal of Development Studies, 2019, 55 (4), 473-489
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9842
published as 'Intergenerational cooperation within the household: a Public Good game with three generations' in: Review of Economics of the Household, 2018, 17, 535 - 552
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9720
published in: Journal of Regional Science, 2018, 58, 141-158
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9425
published as "The commuting behavior of workers in the United States: differences between the employed and the self-employed" in: Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, 66, 19-29