Ulla Lehmijoki

Research Fellow

University of Helsinki

Ulla Lehmijoki has acted as Senior Lecturer of Microeconomics and as a research fellow in the University of Helsinki since 1996. She holds Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Helsinki. Her current research interests include the following topics: (i) the effects of demographic factors on economic growth, (ii) the factors dictating life expectancy convergence, (iii) the demographic and economic effects of trade shocks in developing countries, and (iv) air pollution mortality, in particular in Europe. Her publications include articles in Scandinavian Journal of Economics and Journal of Population Economics.

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in May 2009.

Ulla Lehmijoki has (co-authored with Tapio Palokangas) published three articles in Journal of Population Economics:
"Political Instability, Gender Discrimination, and Population Growth in Developing Countries" 19(2006), "Population Growth Overshooting and Trade in Developing Countries" 22(2009) and "Trade, Population Growth, and the Environment in Developing Countries" 23(2010).


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 8054
revised version published as 'Landowning, Status and Population Growth' in: E. Moser et al. (eds.), Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2014, 315 - 328; extended and more advanced version published as 'Land Reforms and Population Growth' in: Portuguese Economic Journal, 2016, 15, 1-15 (all versions co-authored with Ulla Lehmijoki)