Pierre-Carl Michaud is a Professor of Economics at HEC Montreal and holder of the Jacques-Parizeau Research Chair in Economic Policy (cjp.hec.ca/en/). He is also Scientific Director of the Retirement and Savings Institute (rsi.hec.ca), Research Associate of the NBER and Fellow of CIRANO. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Tilburg University.

His research interest is in the study of labor supply, savings and health outcomes of households in the U.S. and Europe.

He joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in May 2003 and became a Research Fellow in July 2005.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 12823
Amelie Adeline, Ismael Choinière Crèvecoeur, Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12812
Guy Lacroix, Francois Laliberté-Auger, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Daniel Parent
published in: Health Economics, 2021, 30 (S1), 105 - 118
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4622
published as 'Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity' in: Journal of the European Economics Association, 2021, 19 (1), 536 - 579
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4367
published in: Social Science and Medicine, 2011, 73 (2), 254-63