Around 1,700 renowned economists from all parts of the world cooperate with IZA as Research Fellows by contributing publications and participating in projects and events (read more about the appointment process). While IZA benefits from collaborating with numerous very active Fellows, the institute offers a perfect platform for research communication, remote access to relevant data, and attractive publication outlets. Our network activities are supported by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession.

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Colombino, Ugo

Research Fellow

University of Turin

Colussi, Tommaso

Research Fellow

Catholic University Milan

Comi, Simona Lorena

Research Fellow

University of Milano-Bicocca

Commander, Simon

Research Fellow

IE Business School, Altura Partners

Comola, Margherita

Research Fellow

Paris School of Economics

Connelly, Rachel

Research Fellow

Bowdoin College

Conover, Emily

Research Fellow

Hamilton College

Conti, Gabriella

Research Fellow

University College London

Conti, Maurizio

Research Fellow

University of Genoa

Contini, Bruno

Research Fellow

Collegio Carlo Alberto

Contreras, Dante

Research Fellow

University of Chile

Cook, Jason B.

Research Fellow

University of Utah

Corak, Miles

Research Fellow

CUNY Graduate Center

Cornaglia, Francesca

Research Fellow

Queen Mary, University of London

Corneo, Giacomo

Research Fellow

Free University of Berlin

Cortes, Kalena E.

Research Fellow

Texas A&M University

Cortes, Patricia

Research Fellow

Boston University

Cortes, Matias

Research Fellow

York University, Canada

Costa Dias, Monica

Research Fellow

Institute for Fiscal Studies, London

Costa-Font, Joan

Research Fellow

London School of Economics

Courtemanche, Charles

Research Fellow

University of Kentucky

Cowell, Frank A.

Research Fellow

London School of Economics

Cowgill, Bo

Research Fellow

Columbia Business School

Cremer, Helmuth

Research Fellow

Toulouse School of Economics

Croson, Rachel

Research Fellow

Michigan State University

Cullen, Zoe

Research Fellow

Harvard Business School

Cygan-Rehm, Kamila

Research Fellow

Dresden University of Technology

d'Este, Rocco

Research Affiliate

University of Sussex

D'Exelle, Ben

Research Fellow

University of East Anglia

Dahl, Gordon B.

Research Fellow

University of California, San Diego

Dale-Olsen, Harald

Research Fellow

Institute for Social Research, Oslo

Daly, Mary C.

Research Fellow

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Damm, Anna Piil

Research Fellow

Aarhus School of Business

Dammert, Ana C.

Research Fellow

Carleton University

Danzer, Alexander M.

Research Fellow

Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Danzer, Natalia

Research Fellow

Free University of Berlin

Danziger, Leif

Research Fellow

Ben Gurion University

Darolia, Rajeev

Research Fellow

University of Kentucky

Das, Tirthatanmoy

Research Fellow

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Dasgupta, Indraneel

Research Fellow

Indian Statistical Institute

Datta Gupta, Nabanita

Research Fellow

Aarhus University

Dauth, Wolfgang

Research Fellow

Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

Dave, Dhaval M.

Research Fellow

Bentley University

Davis, Steven J.

Research Fellow

Hoover Institution

Daysal, N. Meltem

Research Fellow

University of Copenhagen