Tomer Blumkin (Ph.D., Tel-Aviv University, 1998) currently serves as an associate professor (with tenure) in Ben-Gurion University. He served as a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania,the University of Michigan, the University of California San-Diego and as a visiting scholar at CES, Munich. His main line of research focuses on the normative issue of the optimal design of the tax and transfer (welfare) system. Other fields of interest include law and economics, labor economics and behavioral public economics. In his research Tomer addresses highly relevant policy issues that lie at the core of public discourse, including, inter-alia: the use racial profiling for law enforcement, the use of affirmative action policy to enhance re-distribution, the optimtal design of UI systems, the optimal design of child benefits, the role of welfare stigma, the effect of individuals' misperception of taxes on labor supply decisions, the role of labor migration in shaping the design of optimal tax and transfer systems in the backdrop of tax competition and the effect of adverse selection in the labor market on policy design with special focus on mandatory parental leave rules. Tomer teaches both undergraduate and graduate level courses in public economics and microeconomics.

He joined IZA as a Research Fellow in September 2007.

