Dr. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes is professor of economics at University of California, Merced, a Research Fellow at CReAM, FEDEA, GLO and IZA, an Advisory committee member of the Americas Center Advisory Council at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Western Representative in the Committee for the Status of Women in the Economics Professions (CSWEP) since 2015.

Her areas of interest include labor economics, international migration and remittances. She has published on contingent work contracts, the informal work sector, international remittances, as well as on immigrant savings, health care and labor market outcomes. Her work has been funded by the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), the Hewlett Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, among other agencies. She was the 2013-2014 Border Fulbright García-Robles Scholar, Department Chair at San Diego State University between 2015 and 2018, President of the American Society of Hispanic Economists (ASHE) in 2014, and has held visiting positions at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and at the Public Policy Institute of California.

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in April 2005.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 14646
published in: Economic Inquiry, 2022, 60 (1), 373 - 391
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14247
forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Geography, 2024.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13908
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Brandyn F. Churchill, Yang Song
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13748
published as 'Immigration policy and fertility: Evidence from undocumented migrants in the U.S' ´in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, 189, 274 - 297
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12876
published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2020, 190, 104242
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12721
published as 'Police trust and domestic violence among immigrants: evidence from VAWA self-petitions' in: Journal of Economic Geography, 2022, 22 (2), 395 - 422
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11145
published as 'Immigration Enforcement and Children's Living Arrangements' in: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019, 38 (1), 11-40
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10850
published as 'Split Families and the Future of Children: Immigration Enforcement and Foster Care Placements' in: AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2018, 108, 368-372
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10685
published in: Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 2019, 2, 109 - 120
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10144
published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2017, 30(1): 339-73
IZA Discussion Paper No. 10030
published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 158, 63-78.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8153
published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2016, 29(3), 757-779.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7983
published as 'Remittance income uncertainty and asset accumulation' in: IZA Journal of Labor & Development, 2014, 3:3
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7419
published in: Contemporary Economic Policy, 2014, 32(3), 671 - 680.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6676
published in: Review of International Economics, Special Issue: Migration and Culture, 2013, 21(2), 204-218.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5576
published in: Industrial Relations, 2011, 50 (3), 443-471.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5568
published in: American Economic Review, 2011, 101 (3), 582-587
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4617
published in: Review of Economics of the Household, 2011, 9 (1), 69-98.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4348
published in: Labour Economics, 2011, 18 (5), 697-707
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4318
published in: Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 91 (2), 323-335
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3657
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2010, 630 (1), 224-244.
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