Aysit Tansel is a professor of Economics at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. She received her BS from Middle East Technical University with high honors, her MA from University of Minnesota and her Ph.D. from State University of New York. She was a Fulbright Fellow at the Cornell University during 2011-2012.She was a research fellow at the Yale University during 1990-1993. She is also a research fellow of the Economic Research Forum (ERF) in Cairo. Her main area of interest is labor economics with a focus on economics of education, empirical models of economic growth with emphasis on health and education and educational inequalities and gender gap in education and economic growth, returns to education, private tutoring, economics of gender, labor force participation and unemployment. Examples of her publications are “Job Satisfaction in Britain: Individual and Job Related Factors” (joint with Ş. Gazioğlu), Applied Economics(2006); “Brain Drain from Turkey: An Investigation of Students’ Return Intention” (joint with N. D. Güngör)Applied Economics (2008); "Determinants of Schooling Attainment for Boys and Girls in Turkey: Individual, Household and Community Factors", Economics of Education Review (2002); "Wage and Labor Supply Effects of Illness in Cote d’lvoire and Ghana: Instrumental Variables Estimates for Days Disabled" (joint with T.P. Schultz) Journal of Development Economics (1997); "Schooling Attainment, Parental Education and Gender in Cote d’lvoire and Ghana", Economic Development and Cultural Change (1997); “Is There an Informal Employment Wage Penalty in Egypt: Evidence from Panel Data,”(joint with H. I. Keskin and Z. A. Ozdemir) Empirical Economics(2020); "Public-Private Wage Gap by Gender in Egypt: Evidence from Quantile Regression on Panel data 1998-2018,"(joint with H. I. Keskin and Z. A. Ozdemir) World Development (2020.); "Private and Social Returns to Investment in Education: The Case of Turkey with Alternative Methods,” (joint with H. A. Patrinos and G. Psacharopoulos) Applied Economics (2020)

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in May 2004.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 8834
published in Applied Economics Letters, 2016, 23 (3), 184-187
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8773
revised version published as 'Transitions across Labor Market States Including Formal/Informal Division in Egypt' in: Review of Development Economics, 2020, 23 (4), 1674-1695.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8669
Aysit Tansel, Basak Dalgic, Aytekin Güven
published in: Social Indicators Research, 2019, 142 (1), 107-129.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8377
published in: Sosyoekonomi, 2016, 24 (28), 147-174.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8343
Published in: International Review of Education, 2015, 60 (5), 683-701.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8262
Aysit Tansel, Deniz Karaoğlan
revised version is published as 'Determinants of Health Behaviors and Obesity in Turkey' in: Sosyoekonomi, 2020, 27 (41), 11–40.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8036
published in: IZA Journal of Migration, 2015, 4 (1).
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7724
published in: Journal of Development Studies, 2015, 51(4), 407-421
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7639
published in: J. Aurini, S. Davies and J. Dierkes (eds.), Out of the Shadows: The Global Intensification of Supplementary Education, 2014, 23-66
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7599
published in: Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2013, 2, 1-23.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7308
published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2014, 35 (8), 1260-1275.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6627
first part published as 'Tourism Driven Migration to Southwestern Turkey' in: Bogazici Journal, 2017, 31 (1). 23-42 / second part published as 'Analysing Internal Migration to Antalya and Mugla Through Gravity Modelling' in: Sosyoekonomi, 2018, 26 (37), 117-126.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6626
substantially revised version published as 'Private Tutoring and Equitable Opportunities in Turkey: Challenges and Policy Implications' in: Mark Bray and André E. Mazawi (eds.), Private Tutoring Across the Mediterranean - Power Dynamics and Implications for Learning and Equity, Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, 2013, Chapter 11, 177-186
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6556
published in: John A. Bishop and Juan Gabriel Rodrigue (eds.), Inequality after the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth ECINEQ Meeting (Research on Economic Inequality Book 24) ,2016, 123-156
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6532
published in: Journal of Economic Studies, 2013, 40 (6), 794-821.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6271
published in: Journal of Economic Studies, 2017, 44 (4), 617-635.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6063
published in: Bulletin of Economic Research, 2013, 65 (S1), s142-s164.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5907
published in: Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 2014, 13, 347-378.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5417
Aysit Tansel, Fatma Bircan
published in: Review of Economic Development, 2012, 16 (1), 107-121