IZA actively invites early-career researchers to become part of the global IZA network as Research Affiliates (read more about the appointment process). Browse or search our list of currently about 400 Affiliates below.

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Saltiel, Fernando

Research Affiliate

McGill University

Salvati, Francesca

Research Affiliate

University of Essex

Sandholtz, Wayne Aaron

Research Affiliate

Nova School of Business and Economics

Sansone, Dario

Research Affiliate

University of Exeter

Sardoschau, Sulin

Research Affiliate

Humboldt University Berlin

Sarsons, Heather

Research Affiliate

University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Schnitzlein, Daniel D.

Research Affiliate

Leibniz University of Hannover

Schroeder, Elizabeth

Research Affiliate

Oregon State University

Schulz, Bastian

Research Affiliate

Aarhus University

Schwank, Hanna

Research Affiliate and Associated Member

University of Bonn

Scrutinio, Vincenzo

Research Affiliate

University of Bologna

Sharma, Smriti

Research Affiliate

Newcastle University

Shem-Tov, Yotam

Research Affiliate

UCLA Economics

Shi, Ying

Research Affiliate

Syracuse University