Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger

European Central Bank

Melanie joined IZA in January 1999 as IZA's first international research associate, working on papers related to gender discrimination and economic psychology. In 2001, she moved to the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, remaining affiliated with the IZA research network.

Her research spans topics including job satisfaction and quitting intentions in the UK nursing profession, the measurement of real and nominal wage rigidity using micro data, the characterisation of wage bargaining systems in the EU and, most recently, a study of reform reversals in Central and Eastern Europe. She worked as a principal official for the Supervisory Board during the set-up phase of the Single Supervisory Mechanism and as an Adviser in Country Directorate E, in DG-ECFIN, European Commission. Her career has included working on EU-IMF economic programs, macroeconomic projections for EU countries and monetary and fiscal policy.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 2487
published in: Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2007, 21 (2), 195-214
IZA Discussion Paper No. 540
published in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2009, 56 (3), 332–352
IZA Discussion Paper No. 435
published in: International Journal of Manpower, 2006, 27 (2), 104-125
IZA Discussion Paper No. 178
published in: Applied Economics, 2005, 37 (14), 1655-1672
IZA Discussion Paper No. 151
published in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2001, 48 (3), 283-302
IZA Discussion Paper No. 64
published as 'The gender salary gap in British academia' in: Applied Economics, 2001, 33 (3),1669-1681
IZA Discussion Paper No. 38
published in: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2000, 47 (3), 273-303
IZA Research Report No. 4
Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn 2001 (126 Seiten)