Our local team in Bonn is complemented by the international IZA research network of fellows and affiliates. Many of our alumni have continued their academic careers at prestigious institutions worldwide. Search across or within the groups below and use different attributes to refine your search.

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O'Connor, Kelsey J.

Research Fellow

STATEC Research – National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies

O'Donoghue, Cathal

Research Fellow

National University of Ireland, Galway

O'Higgins, Niall

Research Fellow

ILO International Labour Organization

O'Neill, Donal (decd)

Research Fellow

National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Oaxaca, Ronald L.

Research Fellow

University of Arizona

Oberfichtner, Michael

Research Fellow

Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg

Ody, Margard

Senior Information Manager


Oguzoglu, Umut

Research Fellow

University of Manitoba

Okten, Cagla

Research Fellow

Bilkent University

Oladipo, Oluwasheyi S.

Research Fellow

State University of New York at Old Westbury

Oppedisano, Veruska

Research Fellow

University of Westminster

Orazem, Peter F.

Research Fellow

Iowa State University

Oreffice, Sonia

Research Fellow

University of Exeter

Origo, Federica

Research Fellow

University of Bergamo

Orkin, Kate

Research Fellow

University of Oxford

Orrenius, Pia M.

Research Fellow

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Orsini, Chiara

Research Fellow

University of Sheffield

Ortega, Javier

Research Fellow

Kingston University London

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