Prof Dr C. Mirjam van Praag is Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Professor of Entrepreneurship at Copenhagen Business School, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics. Besides she holds an unpaid position as a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organization in the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam. She is also a Crown Member of the Socioeconomic Council (SER) of the Dutch government.

Van Praag's research, that is widely published in international academic journals, studies Economics of Entrepreneurship (e.g., Human Capital, Teams, Entrepreneurship and the Household) often using (field or natural) experiments. Besides entrepreneurship, she is also an active researcher in the field of Personnel Economics (performance measurement and rewards) and Behavorial Economics.

In the past, Mirjam was employed as a consultant with The Boston Consulting Group, as a financial analyst with Procter & Gamble and as a research consultant with GFK Intomart. She has served as a non-executive member on various boards, both in the public and the private sector. Mirjam was the founding director of the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship. Mirjam van Praag was trained an econometrician (MSc and Phd UvA).

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in August 2006.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 3648
published in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2010, 19 (4), 947-989
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3641
published as "The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship skills and motivation" in: European Economic Review, 2010, 54 (3), 442-454
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3064
published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2008, 67 (3-4), 794 - 809
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3054
published in: Journal of Corporate Finance 13(5), 721-742
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3014
Mirjam C. van Praag, Peter H. Versloot
published in: Small Business Economics, 2007, 29 (4), 351-382
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2673
published in: Economica, 2008, 75 (300), 782-796
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2382
published in: Journal of Business Venturing, 2011, 27 (1), 31-46
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