Journal of Population Economics Celebrates 25 Years


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This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Journal of Population Economics. Since 1988, the Journal has published research that has advanced our knowledge and thinking in the field of population economics. The Journal’s reputation has evolved substantially and it is now established as one of the most reputable outlets in economics and demography. As the journal of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), co-founded by IZA-Director Klaus F. Zimmermann in 1988, the Journal of Population Economics is hosted by IZA and is traditionally also strongly supported by the IZA network.
Over the years, the number of submissions to the Journal has consistently grown and now exceeds 400 submissions per year. The Journal currently publishes about 60 articles and 1,500 pages per year. The accepted articles are now published in less than a year. Concurrently with its rising prestige, the Journal’s impact factor has been consistently increasing over time. In 2010 the two-year impact factor was 0.948, ranking the Journal 116th among 305 journals listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). As of June 2012, the RePEc aggregate ranking places the Journal 65th out of 1,093 journals listed in the database.

During the ESPE Annual Congress which took place in Berne, Switzerland, in June 2012, the anniversary was celebrated. Representing Springer Verlag, publisher of the Journal, Katharina Wetzel-Vandai honored Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmmermann and editorial board member Erdal Tekin for their great success and continued commitment.

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