IZA Discussion Papers


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Die IZA Discussion Paper Series (ISSN: 2365-9793) nimmt eine zentrale Rolle unter den IZA-Publikationen ein. Die Discussion Papers machen wichtige Forschungsarbeiten von IZA-Mitarbeitern, Research Fellows und Affiliates Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit gleichermaßen zugänglich. Beiträge zur Discussion Paper Series müssen unseren Veröffentlichungsrichtlinien entsprechen. Die Volltext-Dateien lassen sich per Click auf das PDF-Symbol anzeigen.
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Discussion Papers

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No. Author(s) Title Date PDF Link to Abstract
100 Jörgen Hansen, Magnus Lofstrom Immigrant Assimilation and Welfare Participation: Do Immigrants Assimilate Into or Out-of Welfare
(published in: Journal of Human Resources, 2003, 38 (1), 74-98)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
99 Regina T. Riphahn Residential Location and Youth Unemployment: The Economic Geography of School-To-Work Transitions
(published in: Journal of Population Economics, 2002, 15(1), 115-135)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
98 John de New, Christoph M. Schmidt Industry Wage Differentials Revisited: A Longitudinal Comparison of Germany and USA (1984-1996) Dezember 1999 Abstract
97 Alan Barrett Irish Migration: Characteristics, Causes and Consequences
(published in: Zimmermann, K. F. (ed.), European Migration: What Do We Know?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
96 Pierre Cahuc, Andre Zylberberg Redundancy Payments, Incomplete Labor Contracts, Unemployment and Welfare Dezember 1999 Abstract
95 Pierre Cahuc, Andre Zylberberg Job Protection, Minimum Wage and Unemployment Dezember 1999 Abstract
94 Martin Eichler, Michael Lechner An Evaluation of Public Employment Programmes in the East German State of Sachsen-Anhalt
(published in: Labour Economics, 2009, 9 (2), 143-186)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
93 Michael Lechner An Evaluation of Public-Sector-Sponsored Continuous Vocational Training Programs in East Germany
(published in: Journal of Human Resources, 2000, 35 (2), 347-375)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
92 Robert E. Wright The Rate of Return to Private Schooling Dezember 1999 Abstract
91 Michael Lechner Identification and Estimation of Causal Effects of Multiple Treatments Under the Conditional Independence Assumption
(published in: M. Lechner, F. Pfeiffer (eds.), Econometric Evaluation of Labour Market Policies, Heidelberg: Physica, 2001, 43-58)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
90 Hartmut Lehmann, Jonathan Wadsworth Tenures that Shook the World: Worker Turnover in Russia, Poland and Britain
(published in: Journal of Comparative Economics, 2000, 28 (4), 639-664)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
89 Shoshana Neuman Aliyah to Israel: Immigration under Conditions of Adversity
(published in: Zimmermann, Klaus F. (ed.), European Migration: What Do We Know, 2005, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 459-506)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
88 Olympia Bover, Pilar Velilla Migration in Spain: Historical Background and Current Trends
(published in: Klaus F. Zimmermann (ed.), European Migration: What Do We Know?, CEPR and OUP, 2005)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
87 Thomas K. Bauer Educational Mismatch and Wages in Germany
(published in: Economics of Education Review, 2002, 21 (2), 221-229)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
86 John de New, Christoph M. Schmidt Money for Nothing and Your Chips for Free? The Anatomy of the PC Wage Differential Dezember 1999 Abstract
85 Stephen Pudney, Michael A. Shields Gender and Racial Discrimination in Pay and Promotion for NHS Nurses
(published in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2000, 62 (s1), 801-835)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
84 Christoph M. Schmidt The Heterogeneity and Cyclical Sensitivity of Unemployment: An Exploration of German Labor Market Flows
(published in: Ifo Studien, 2000, 46 (1), 73-98)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
83 Rob Euwals Female Labour Supply, Flexibility of Working Hours, and Job Mobility in the Netherlands
(published in: Economic Journal, 2001, 111 (471), C120-C134)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
82 Kai A. Konrad Privacy, time consistent optimal labor income taxation and education policy
(published in: Journal of Public Economics, 2001, 79(3), 503-519)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
81 Timothy J. Hatton, Stephen Wheatley Price Migration, Migrants and Policy in the United Kingdom
(published in: Zimmermann, K. (ed.), European Migration: What Do We Know? Oxford University Press, 2005)
Dezember 1999 Abstract
Alle 73 Papers aus 1999 Previous 20 papers
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